To the right is a small description about our recruitment and academy as well as pictures below
Training sessions are usually hosted once every two weeks, whereas Academy is hosted when needed
Deputy Chief Of Administration
Colonel Of Administration

Deputy Chief Dexter

Academy Deputy Director
Deputy Commissioner Martin
The Bureau of Administration within the San Andreas Highway Patrol is ran by Deputy Chief Jayden, Colonel Shephard and Lieutenant Colonel Hunter M. The Administration Bureau oversees departmental trainings, which take place once every other weekend. Additionally, the Administration Bureau manages the SAHP Academy. Our academy program is a great way to teach new cadets the basics of law enforcement in the state of San Andreas. Cadets will undergo a brief training session at our in-house academy before they are passed on to be probationary troopers. The Administration Bureau also looks over the probationary program, which requires probationary troopers to undergo 4 mandatory ride alongs before they are sent off to patrol the streets! Another aspect of the department that we take very seriously here at the administration bureau is recruitment! The SAHP is always hiring and looking for new exemplary troopers to protect out citizens. Join the SAHP today!
Providing 24/7 Safety, Service And Security To The State Of San Andreas
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